Ammarah batool

Ammarah Batool works as a Behavior Analyst with Islington Council London for primary school sector. She is certified in 6 different areas of Abnormal Human psychology from University of Oxford England. Her areas of expertise are Family Therapy, Counselling, Psychology of addiction, Child Psychology, Work field Psychology and Child Behaviour Management.

She holds a BS  in Professional Psychology from Institute of professional Psychology, Bahria University, Karachi and has received intensive training in Childhood Trauma, Neurosciences, ADHD management, Dyslexia  management , Autism Management, positive handling of children and  Child abuse andchild mental health support from Educare England, Institute of Neurosciences London and St .George College London.

She regularly conducts on-site and online awareness training sessions about mental health issues, and also provides free online counselling to women in Pakistan who cannot afford to seek professional treatment due to financial or social issues.

You can contact her on Facebook and Instagram.